Hello and Welcome!

Happy Thanksgiving to all my EDU 5506 classmates. 

During this course I have actually experimented with Blogs. I created an account a few years ago. I had actually forgotten it. When the assignment came around to experiment with Blogs in this course, I was a little apprehensive. However, it has proven to be very interesting. 

As everyone in my class knows, I am a Transportation Director of a school system. I employ 109 full-time regular drivers, 50 substitute drivers, and 8 mechanics. Communication has been a problem. Everyone does not have the ability to text and email. Some have flip phones. Some do not have internet at home. However, more have expressed to me that they do receive emails and enjoy being able to read at their leisure. With that thought in mind, my plan is to utilize the Blog in more applications.

I plan to utilize the blog to disseminate non time-sensitive issues. I can update them on new policies and procedures that affect them in their function as a school bus driver. It will allow them to refer back to the blog as often and as needed. It can function sort of as a board policy manual. I can set the parameters on the Blog settings so that postings will not delete. I can keep them there and refer back to it as often as needed. 

I think that I might share my plan with other Transportation Directors from around the state. Our group gets together and shares on occasions. It is a helpful tool to pick up ideas from peers.

You ever heard the old saying, "Been there....Done that....Got the T-shirt??

Well here it is. 


  1. Greetings Jeffrey,

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours as well. During this course, I too have not only initially experimented with Blogging but also with Twitter and Podcasting. Successful integration of these 21st century social media tools will forever be remembered as a major contribution to my professional development experience. Although this is my final course in preparation for my final certificate renewal, I have vowed to never stop learning. Effective collaboration and communication are vital to successful leadership. I agree that it is a great idea for you to contribute to the professional learning of your administrative colleagues by sharing your plan with other Transportation Directors from around the state. Blogging is important for keeping up with developments as well as gaining new perspectives and ideas. You have expressed a great deal of interest in and success with Blogging. Congratulations to you, and wishing you even more success in the future.

  2. Hi Jeffrey, My eyes were opened by finding out that you had actually created a blog and were communicating with your bus drivers in this manner. That was an avenue that I had never considered with the bus drivers. Instead of making me look at others, it made me take a closer looker at myself and it made me realize that I can do more towards understanding the ability of the entire staff and to not underestimate. I had always thought that it would be to tough of a job to do anything 2.0 with our bus drivers. You have proven me wrong and I thank you for that. Enjoy the holidays, stay safe like Sammy and be blessed.


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